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The - ber in four Latin month names is probably from - bris, an adjectival suffix. Tucker thinks that the first five months were named for their positions in the agricultural cycle, and . October must then be by analogy from a false division Sep- tem- ber & c. Perhaps, however, from *de- cem(o)- mr- is, i.
December 2013 Weather
Web based communications company. Offers publication, presentations and consulting. Includes Computer-Mediated Communication Magazine (CMM) archives and resources. December Calendar and Holiday Dates for the year 2017. Includes dates for Christmas, St. Nicholas Day, Immaculate Conception and more. Define December: the 12th and last month of the year — December in a sentence.
December definition, the twelfth month of the year, containing 31 days. De·cem·ber (d. The 12th month of the year in the Gregorian calendar. See Table at calendar. December, 2017 Holidays calender dates, Special Days. Perfect for Christmas gifts and birthday parties. Includes 8 markers to custom color. December is the twelfth and final month of the year in the Julian and Gregorian Calendars. It is the seventh and last month to have the length of 31 days.
Get a free December 2016 printable calendar. Please print as many copies as you want and share them with friends and co-workers. We use them as time sheets at our office. December 2017 Monthly, Weekly and Daily Validated Holidays, Calendar, and Observances. The Month of December. December is the twelfth month of the year and has 31 days. It was originally the tenth month of the Roman calendar until 153 BCE.